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Sleep/Sedation Dentistry


Sleep/Sedation Dentistry

Fear of the dentist? You’re not alone and we can help! 

Not only do we have the most caring, compassionate doctors, we also offer many levels of sedation to accommodate any amount of anxiety. 

At Oregon City Family Dentistry we understand that people have anxiety about dental treatment for many reasons. We understand that you do not control this anxiety and that often if anxiety is not addressed it leads to missed appointments and dental neglect with associated pain. We are here to make things easier for you!

From nitrous oxide (aka laughing gas) to help take the edge off your nerves, to sleep dentistry where you wake up when its over, we offer a range of options to help you get through your appointments. 

Talk to one of our experienced doctors about what the best option is for you! We will help you through this!

How do we do it?


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