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Tooth Bonding


Tooth Bonding

Procedures and Effectiveness

In what is one of least expensive cosmetic dentistry procedures, your Oregon City dental team can place natural-looking dental bonds to repair chipped or decayed teeth.

Dental bonds are made from a composite resin material that blends in with the natural color of your teeth. The tooth bonding typically requires no anesthesia or preparation of the tooth, unless it is being used to repair decay, and can be placed in a matter of minutes. There’s no need to send an impression to a laboratory or wait weeks for a permanent

● Chipped or cracked teeth

● Decayed teeth

● Gapped teeth

● Discoloration

● Sharp ridges on bottom of teeth

At Oregon City Family Dentistry, we use a shade chart to match the dental bond perfectly to blend in with your smile. The process is quick and noninvasive. We use a special tool to roughen the surface of the tooth so the bond can easily attach to the tooth. We then apply a conditioning liquid that helps the material bond properly to the tooth. After applying the composite material, we use a special UV light to make the bond harden instantly. Once the bond is hard, we carefully shape and polish the bond to match your smile.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Bonding

Dental bonding can be used to fix a variety of dental issues and it is substantially less expensive than porcelain veneers or dental crowns. Patients with gapped teeth often find that bonding is a simple and painless process as opposed to veneers or even years of orthodontic treatment. Another major advantage of dental bonding is that it often does not require us to prepare your tooth. There’s no going back once you commit to veneers or crowns, because those procedures require us to remove enamel, but bonding can be reversed if no enamel was removed to place the restoration.

While dental bonds are less expensive and can be placed in one quick visit, there are a few disadvantages. The resin material is not nearly as strong or durable as veneers or dental crowns and can stain over time. We recommend that patients with dental bonds try to avoid stain-causing drinks like coffee, tea, and red wine the first few days after the procedure. Dental bonds also need to be replaced with more frequency than dental crowns or veneers.

Our patients are amazed at how dental bonds can reshape their smile. There is no special care for dental bonds. You simply stay on your normal oral health routine of brushing twice a day and flossing daily.

If you have cosmetic dentistry issues and are not sure what is best for your mouth, our staff will sit with you and help you make the best informed decision. Before we start any treatment, we will give you a thorough examination to determine if you are a candidate for dental bonding or any of our other cosmetic dentistry services.

For a consultation with our office, call us today at 503-656-8250 or schedule an appointment with us using the online form.

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